Java ThreadLocal

Prerequisite Java Multithreading Please read the previous blog for detailed information. Java.lang.ThreadLocal class in Java This class provides thread local variables that can only be read and written by the same thread. This implies that even if two threads are executing the same code, and the code has a reference to the same ThreadLocal variable, theContinue reading “Java ThreadLocal”

Multithreading in Java

Prerequisite Threads A thread is a single sequential flow of execution of the tasks of a process. A process if a program in execution and a thread is a lightweight process and the smallest unit of CPU utilization. Thus a thread is like a miniprocess. Each thread has a thread Id, a program counter, aContinue reading “Multithreading in Java”

Employee Management Using Dropwizard

Dropwizard is a popular java framework for restful service. It provides out of the box support for configuration, application, metrics, logging and operational tools so that the developers focus more on writing business logic and not on set ups. Hence, this project implements ‘Employee Management Software’ using Dropwizard and performs CRUD operations via webpage usingContinue reading “Employee Management Using Dropwizard”

Dropwizard Tutorial : HTML Page Using Freemarker

Prerequisite Before you start this, Its good to follow the following articles. Running Rest API using Dropwizard Reading From Database Using Dropwizard  Writing To Database Using Dropwizard I will assume that your dropwizard project is running. Dependency Add dependency of dropwizard-freemarker-views in your pom.xml and import the changes. Your pom.xml should look like this: FreemarkerContinue reading “Dropwizard Tutorial : HTML Page Using Freemarker”

Dropwizard : Write Data Into Database Using Hibernate

Please follow the first two part of the tutorial before starting this: Introduction To Dropwizard Read Data From Database Using Dropwizard Modify InfoDao To Persist Data Add a method to persist data. Add POST API to store the info in Test Your API Run your project. Test using postman or any other rest client.Continue reading “Dropwizard : Write Data Into Database Using Hibernate”

Restaurant Management System

This program enters the details of the dining area and the waiters registering in the restaurant. It then lets the Restaurant Manager assign dining areas to their corresponding waiters and books them whenever a customer comes to the restaurant to avail the services. Finally. the Restaurant Manager generates the bill with the help of theContinue reading “Restaurant Management System”

Cab Hailing Service in Java

This program lets customers and drivers register themselves by entering their details. The cabs’ details like carName, carNumber, carColor, location(latitude and longitude) are entered and put into a hashMap. The registered drivers can also send their updated location to the server. Once done, passengers can book the available taxis nearby their areas. Now, the userContinue reading “Cab Hailing Service in Java”

Introduction to Git

Github is a web-based platform used for version control. Git simplifies the process of working with other people and makes it easy to collaborate on projects. Team members can work on files and easily merge their changes in with the master branch of the project. Git & GitHub skill has slowly made its way from preferred skills toContinue reading “Introduction to Git”

Product Management in Java

This program enters users and products details. It then maps users’ phone numbers to their names and products’ ids to the other product details ( product name, product price, product color) with the help of HashMap. Finally, it tells the name of the user and product details when searched with the help of phone numberContinue reading “Product Management in Java”

User Management Program in Java

This program enters users details (name, address, city, date of birth, phone number, email Id). It then maps phone numbers to names with the help of HashMap. Finally, it tells the name of the user which is searched by entering the phone number. Prerequisite Java is an object-oriented programming language. It allows you to divideContinue reading “User Management Program in Java”

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